Polyprenols and chronic alcoholism
Clinical study.
Patients suffering with alcoholism of stage 2 took part in the study. After 30 days of treatment with polyprenols in combination with the infusion detoxication, 10% of patients recovered completely, 80.6% passed from the severe stage of the disease to a lighter one. The effect of the treatment already started on the 15th day, on average. As a result it was found that the inclusion of polyprenols in the course of treatment of alcoholism leads to a rapid regress of the abstinence syndrome, reduction of depression and polyneuropathic disorders. Polyprenols are well tolerated and do not cause side effects.
Solagran Limited, Melbourne, Australia S.M. Kirov Academy of Forestry Engineering in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov City Psychiatric Hospital No. 3, Saint Petersburg, Russia Saint Petersburg, Russia I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The high level of alcohol consumption, the progressive increase in the number of patients with alcoholism made the problem of alcoholism one of the most important having medical and social significance. Alcoholism treatment should be complex, take into account the duration of the disease, the severity of psychosomatic and neurological disorders.
Study Purpose
To assess the safety and efficacy of the polyprenolic preparation* in patients with alcoholism of stage 2 in comparison with the traditional basic disintoxication therapy recommended by the international standards of treatment.
Clinical and biochemical tests of blood, urine, assessment of polyneuropathy (PNP) on the scale of neurological disorders (NDS) by Young, of the psychosomatic status on the scale of "Sheet of Symptoms", on the HADS scale of depression and anxiety, electroencephalography (EEG), the dynamics of the abstinence and asthenic syndromes.
The study was conducted on the basis of I.I. Skvortsov-Stepanov Psychiatric Hospital No. 3. Two groups of patients were formed: an experimental group underwent a course of treatment with polyprenols* (52 persons), a control group (29 persons) - a course of basic therapy (S. NaCl 0.9% (500.0-1,000.0 ml) + S. КС1 4% (10.0-30.0 ml) + S. MgSQ4 25% (10.0-20.0 ml). The experimental group underwent a course of infusion disintoxication and therapy with polyprenols* without including nootropics, cerebral protectants, anti-depressants and group B vitamins. The polyprenolic preparation* was administered to patients in the dose of 8 drops 3 times a day before meals for 30 days. The duration of diseases of the groups were the same: up to 5 years of the disease – an average of 34.2% of patients, from 6-10 years – 44.2%, more than 10 years – 21.7%. One-third of the patients were patients with viral hepatitides B and C, with the paroxysmal syndrome from 10-20%. Most patients with alcoholism (90.6%) suffered with PNP, 100% had a subclinically expressed form of anxiety and depression. Medical histories were more severe in the experimental group: 50% of them used surrogate alcohol, thereby exacerbating the course of the main disease and severity of PNP. The therapy with polyprenols* reduced the degree of PNP compared to the control: 10% of the patients recovered after treatment, 80.6% had regress and transition from the severe stage of the disease to a lighter one. The effect of treatment in patients in the experimental group started by the 15th day of treatment. Improvement of the neurologic status against the background of the preparation started in 81.4% of patients with the focal cerebral symptoms, in the control — in 36.7%. The application of polyprenols* ensures the normalization of the psychosomatic status and recovery from depression in 80% of patients on the HADS scale, in 20% the signs of depression persisted. 55.2% of the patients had improvement in the control. 63.6% of patients with the paroxysmal syndrome had positive dynamics on the EEG. The preparation had a pronounced effect on the metabolism of liver and pancreas, especially in patients with alcoholism with chronic viral hepatitides B and C.
As a result of the clinical study it was found that the inclusion of polyprenols* in the therapy of patients with alcoholism was more effective: the regress of the abstinence syndrome, reduction of depression and polyneuropathic disorders start 2 times earlier than in the case of the basic therapy, on average. Depending on the duration of the disease, the efficacy of the therapy with the polyprenolic preparation* increases, and of the basic therapy decreases. The preparation is well tolerated by patients, no side effects were observed during the treatment. (Published in the proceedings of the 4th Interdisciplinary Russian Congress "Man and Dependency Problems: Interdisciplinary Aspects" / Arkhangelsk, 2010. Pages 48-49)
* A polyprenolic preparation of Ropren was used the study, which is a pure concentrate of polyprenols (the total fraction is 95%). The text of the study is provided by courtesy of Solagran.