Polyprenols and their role in the life of people
Polyprenols are the most important group of unique natural bioregulators obtained from the greenery of Siberian fir. They were prepared due to knowledge of previous generations and to advanced studies. Polyprenols are the main secret of Siberian fir and one of the most important biologically active substances contained in fir needles. For man, polyprenols are the only source of important molecules - dolichols responsible for many physiological processes in the body.
Description It is an oily liquid with no foreign substances. Colour: from light orange to reddish orange. They have a specific taste and smell. Polyprenols are the most important group of unique natural bioregulators from the greenery of Siberian fir that were obtained due to knowledge of previous generations and advanced studies.
Polyprenols of Siberian fir are analogues of the human transport lipid of dolichol, a building material for damaged cells. Polyprenols help stabilize cell membranes and restore cells of the liver and other organs, stimulate energy exchange and regenerative potential. In the human body, dolicholes are concentrated in the pancreas, brain, heart, kidneys, liver, spleen and other tissues. They are located inside the phospholipid bilayer of cell membranes and influence their physical, chemical, structural and functional properties. When ingested, polyprenols are absorbed in the intestine, and then metabolized into dolichol in the liver, which plays a leading role in the dolichol phosphate cycle, the main purpose of which is the glycosylation of membrane proteins, i.e. formation of glycoproteins. In their turn, glycoproteins are found in all cell membranes, secrets, connective tissues; they control intercellular interactions, maintain the immune status of cells, and ensure the stability of protein molecules in the membrane.
In cases of various acute and chronic diseases, against the background of increased loads, stress and man-caused effects on the human body, membranes are damaged, which is accompanied by the loss of dolichols, as a result of which the functionality of cells, tissues and organs is disrupted. These molecular destructive processes are one of the main causes of many pathologies. By introducing polyprenols, which easily transform into dolicholes in the body, it is possible to compensate for their deficiency, which helps maintain the immune status of the cell, ensuring the restoration and stability of membranes, as well as the synthesis of protein molecules.
Additional intake of plant-derived polyprenols into the body stimulates the immune system, intensifies the activity of antioxidant protection, actively influences lipid, fat, protein metabolism, activates reparative and regenerative processes, and therefore restores the structure and the functions of organs.
1. Hepatoprotective action
• Restores hepatocytes inducing regenerative processes in the liver
• Reduces inflammation in the liver
• Protects the liver from the effects of toxic substances (alcohol, drugs and others)
• Normalizes liver function
• Improves the liver after the infection
• Increases liver resistance to toxins and other adverse factors
2. Activation of antioxidant protection
• Produces antioxidant activity protecting the body from free radicals
• Increases the activity of superoxide dismutase enzymes and catalase
3. Normalization of blood lipids
• Lowers cholesterol
• Increases the level of high density lipoproteins, reduces the level of low and very low density lipoproteins
• Reduces the atherosclerosis risk
• Provides a preventive and curative effect in cases of cardiovascular system diseases caused by violations of the lipid storage disease
4. Immunostimulating action
• Stimulates the production of natural interferon
• Activates the phagocytic activity of macrophages
• Increases nonspecific resistance of the body
5. Neuroprotective and nootropic action
• Improves the cognitive function
• Normalizes the level of neurotransmitters
• Has an antidepressant effect
• Regression of withdrawal symptoms
Effects on the human body
The polyprenol concentrate helps combat chronic overexertion of the leading organs and body systems (cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, nonspecific defense and immunity system, central and peripheral nervous systems), optimize recovery processes and increase physical performance, restore and maintain physical and mental health component against a background of increased physical exertion. The polyprenol concentrate is recommended to fight chronic overstrain of the leading organs and systems in order to restore and maintain physical and mental health with a background of heavy physical activity. It is recommended to be used after and during intense physical exertion and emotional upset (as follows: total 2 courses per year, three months each with a three-month break).
The concentrate of polyprenols:
— Increases the liver functionality and reduces intoxication (due to the hepatoprotective effect)
— Contributes to the utilization of toxic metabolites (due to the antioxidant effect)
— Increases the recovery rate of organs and tissues (due to the regenerative effect)
— Increases the recovery rate of organs and tissues (due to the regenerative effect)
— Prevents the reduction of immunity during physical exertion (due to the immunostimulating action)
Recommended doses:
The concentrate of polyprenols is the basis for the creation of biologically active complexes and pharmaceutical preparations.